You can select as many free coupons as you like.
Browse through all the restaurants who offer a free coupon, you can recognize them when you see the "Available coupon" sign.
To see what the restaurant offers, click on this sign.
A pop-up window is displayed with the coupon.
If you are interested in this offer click "Add to my coupon list" button. This coupon will be saved in your coupon list.

Keep on browsing the restaurants you like that offer a free coupon. If you are interested in another coupon(s), repeat the steps above.
In order to see how many coupons you have collected, click on the "See my coupon list" button.
Print and cut out your free coupons, save them in your wallet and bring them down to Cancun. Start saving!!

Important Notice:
To validate your free coupons, make sure to show them to your host or waiter before ordering your meal.

CancunFirstClass is nor responsible for not getting the promotions mentioned in the coupons.